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Benefits of Pushups

Push-ups and Pull-ups are one of the oldest and most basic of exercises. Doing pushups is the easiest and cheapest way to keep you fit. To improve your strength and general health start doing pushups today considering all the benefits listed below.

No cost involved

No gym membership. No Personal trainer. No Equipment. Pushups can be performed at home without the need for expensive exercise equipment, which can save you money. All you need is motivation, clean floor and a YouTube video if you are new to it. You can find many videos on YouTube -teaching from basic to different variations of pushups.

Pushup increases your strength

Push-ups are the best and simple exercise when it comes to strength training exercise. More the number of reps you can do in one set, more strength and stamina you gain. Doing 25-50 pushups in a row is ideal. However it differs from person to person. One can start from 10 pushups and can go push himself/ herself to 100 in row for super strength gain.

It’s a full body workout

Pushup is the best full body exercise. It engages your shoulder, chest, arms, triceps and your lower body.  It is one of the very few exercises that involves training more than 4 muscles at same time. Training these muscle groups by doing pushups few times a week will serve a great workout.

Balance and flexibility

While doing pushups you have to balance your body on your arms and legs. The stability of core, between the strong upper body and tension in your legs is very important to perform proper pushups. And if you have learnt the art of proper pushups, you have developed a great stability and balance. Different variation of pushups like one arm, knuckle pushups, upside down pushups not only challenges but also increases your muscle strength and making them flexible and  increasing  your core stability at same time.

Metabolism and Energy

Metabolism level decides the amount of calories you can intake. Higher the metabolism more calories you can intake. so if you are a foodie start doing pushups today, it will allow you to intake more calories without any harm. The logic behind this is simple, Pushups is high intensity exercise which strains your muscles along with the increased heart rate. This will result in production of more energy. Thus pushups can boost up the metabolism to convert more calories into energy to keep strong and fit.

Core Strength

Pushup helps you strengthen your core along with the upper body. It incorporates the stabilization muscles of your core, combining an upper-body pushing movement with a plank.  But this is only when you perform them with proper form. And proper form means – not going too fast, keeping your body stiff and straight as a plank, and elbows at 45 degrees. Pushups increase the core stability by making the the muscles of your trunk stronger to keep your spine and body stable.

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